i dont get it??
Published on May 26, 2005 By DEZIN In New Users
I was wondering if someone could clear this up for me, a few days ago i notice a few links on my "referrals" list and today there were a few more links. Heres the link http://dezin.wincustomize.com/referrals.aspx?cmd=showsitereferraldetails&dname=google.com&SID=6216&UID=1647945 What does it mean and why is it there? any help would be greatly appreciated.

on May 26, 2005
Can you hear the sirens yet? They seem to be looking for you. No, I'm not sure what all of them are...I get alot on a couple of my logons from some skin site in Germany, I think..they feature skins from in the states but link to the page here for people to download it. The ones on Google that you got I would guess are people that saw something of yours they liked somewhere and googled to find it...just a guess on that part. I'm sure others will know more about it.
on May 26, 2005
Makes more sense than what I was thinking. Kept waiting for some one to call me about wanting character references for a loan appl, or an apartment or job or something.
on May 26, 2005
Well, with you Bichur, that is probably exactly what you think it is....heheh...sorry
on May 26, 2005
Cool, thanks. Just wanted to make sure I wasn't out in... hey, wait a min.....
on May 26, 2005
on May 26, 2005
on May 27, 2005
thanks guys, sorta clear things up.
on May 27, 2005
Okay, basically when someone links to something you've done on WC, you get a referral point. So the page you pointed to is listing where all of your referrals are coming from.
on May 27, 2005
ahhh thanks.